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Document Service API: Middlewares

The Document Service API offers the ability to extend its behavior thanks to middlewares.

Document Service middlewares allow you to perform actions before and/or after a method runs.

Simplified Strapi backend diagram with controllers highlighted
The diagram represents a simplified version of how a request travels through the Strapi back end, with the Document Service highlighted. The backend customization introduction page includes a complete, interactive diagram.

Registering a middleware

Syntax: strapi.documents.use(middleware)


A middleware is a function that receives a context and a next function.

Syntax: (context, next) => ReturnType<typeof next>

contextMiddleware contextContext
nextCall the next middleware in the stackfunction


actionThe method that is running (see available methods)string
paramsThe method params (see available methods)Object
uidContent type unique identifierstring
contentTypeContent typeContentType

The following examples show what context might include depending on the method called:

uid: "",
contentType: {
kind: "collectionType",
collectionName: "restaurants",
info: {
singularName: "restaurant",
pluralName: "restaurants",
displayName: "restaurant"
options: {
draftAndPublish: true
pluginOptions: {},
attributes: {
name: { /*...*/ },
description: { /*...*/ },
createdAt: { /*...*/ },
updatedAt: { /*...*/ },
publishedAt: { /*...*/ },
createdBy: { /*...*/ },
updatedBy: { /*...*/ },
locale: { /*...*/ },
apiName: "restaurant",
globalId: "Restaurants",
uid: "",
modelType: "contentType",
modelName: "restaurant",
actions: { /*...*/ },
lifecycles: { /*...*/ },
action: "findOne",
params: {
documentId: 'hp7hjvrbt8rcgkmabntu0aoq',
locale: undefined,
status: "publish"
populate: { /*...*/ },


next is a function without parameters that calls the next middleware in the stack and return its response.


strapi.documents.use((context, next) => {
return next();

Where to register

Generaly speaking you should register your middlewares during the Strapi registration phase.


The middleware must be registered in the general register() lifecycle method:

module.exports = {
register({ strapi }) {
strapi.documents.use((context, next) => {
// your logic
return next();

// bootstrap({ strapi }) {},
// destroy({ strapi }) {},

Plugin developers

The middleware must be registered in the plugin's register() lifecycle method:

module.exports = {
register({ strapi }) {
strapi.documents.use((context, next) => {
// your logic
return next();

// bootstrap({ strapi }) {},
// destroy({ strapi }) {},

Implementing a middleware

When implementing a middleware, always return the response from next(). Failing to do this will break the Strapi application.


const applyTo = ['api::article.article'];

strapi.documents.use((context, next) => {
// Only run for certain content types
if (!applyTo.includes(context.uid)) {
return next();

// Only run for certain actions
if (['create', 'update'].includes(context.action)) { = `${} ${}`;

const result = await next();

// do something with the result before returning it
return result

🤓 Lifecycle hooks

The Document Service API triggers various database lifecycle hooks based on which method is called. For a complete reference, see Document Service API: Lifecycle hooks.